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Positive Design Coaching


Positive Design Coaching is the general term we use for many different types of coaching available from our associates. *It is important to note that coaching is not psychotherapy; there are no clinical diagnoses, goals, or interventions. 


The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.



Positive Design Coaching then is an ongoing professional relationship that helps produce extraordinary results in clients' lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life.


We have a broad range of expertise and experiences in coaching areas such as Life, Business/Executive Leadership, Relationships, Health & Wellness, Sport (see Champion By Design), among other areas. We can match you with our best suited associate to support your present needs. 

Choosing Your Best Path!
Balancing Daily!
Being a Star in Your Life!
Choosing Your Best Path!


Design thinking in behavioral health and well-being coaching supports strategic, intentional research and positioning for creating a new, more positive habit of thinking, doing, and being. In this way, design refers to a growth process where an individual or organization can explore possibilities with curiosity, logic, system dynamics, and innovation in mind. This has the net affect of promoting optimal results, including productivity and more happiness, by engaging in authentic, purposeful tasks and activities.

Backwards Design is how we help you choose the best path towards achieving your goals. Stephen Covey (1989) says,


To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to better understand where you're going so that you better understand where you are now so that the steps you take are in the right direction.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 


Balancing Daily!


"Through balancing is where happiness and joy lives!" - David M. Harris, Founder


Balancing is an active process that never stops. There is no absolute stage or point when anyone reaches a perfect equilibrium, combining both control over self and what life throws at us. The key is devleoping strategies and practices that support self-fullness (filling up your internal balancing reserves, to be at your best, allowing authenticity and purpose to overflow externally). This promotes a system of fullness because others are more likely to reciprocate their best to you from this position. The old cliche is appropriate, "You cannot care for others if you do not care for yourself."

Self-full gauge
Being a Star in Your Life!


Once you have developed a positive design for growth, in any area of life, leadership, performance, or business,...and your are mindful of preserving self-care and your balancing reserves, all you have to do is live it forward. 


Be courageous in daily living; dare to be great; avoid being held prisoner by a fear that past habits or mistakes will somehow come true again.


You Are Positive By Design!


    Live in such a way that even if 

    someone speaks negatively about

    you, no one would believe it!



© 2011-2024 Positive By Design LLC/David M. Harris, MSW, LCSW. All Rights Reserved.

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